Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's my big d&@!, I wanna f$&@.

Testing this blog app to kill time. Has anyone ever tried backside nosebluntsliding a picnic table in front of 50 people and filming it 35mm? No pressure whatsoever. The good thing is everytime I go back to try again, my makeup artist wipes the sweat from my brow with a napkin. And, the photographer asked me if I could do a revert. But he said it like the guy says reTARD in "the hangover". "could you do it to reVERT?".
oh, and the assistant who was getting me to sign my contract this morning at 8 am got a bloody nose and bled on it. I was wondering where he got all his energy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. incredible. did you pull the revert? that scene is insane.

  2. blood on the contract?...thats a good sign, right?

  3. what kid of reTARD bleeds on a contract.
